Catholic Archbishop at Russophile Meeting Warns Soros, Gates, Schwab Plotting Global ‘Coup D’Etat’

by Madeleine Hubbard


Catholic Archbishop Carlo Maria Vigano warned at a pro-Russian meeting that Democratic megadonor George Soros, World Economic Forum founder Klaus Schwab and Microsoft founder Bill Gates have “perpetrated a real world coup d’etat” for their actions during the COVID-19 pandemic followed by the war in Ukraine.

Speaking at the Founding Congress of the International Movement of Russophiles last week in Moscow, Vigano said, as translated: “We cannot be surprised that, after de-Christianizing the Western world, this elite considers Russia an enemy to be overthrown. The Russian Federation undeniably stands as the last bastion of civilization against barbarism.”

He also said the elites use global organizations such as NATO, the United Nations and similar groups for the “indoctrination of the masses.”

“The recent pandemic farce – conducted with criminal methods that I have not hesitated to denounce since the beginning of 2020 – has been followed by new emergencies – including the Ukrainian crisis – deliberately provoked with the aim of destroying the social and economic fabric of nations, decimating the world population, concentrating control in the hands of an oligarchy that no one has elected and that has perpetrated a real world coup d’etat, for which sooner or later it will be called to answer before the world,” he said at the conference. “The theorists of this coup have names and faces, starting with George Soros, Klaus Schwab, and Bill Gates.”

He also said the elites worked to “prevent” former President Donald Trump from being declared president again, “just as in 2013 the deep state and the deep church managed to get Pope Benedict XVI to resign and to elect a person pleasing to the New World Order, the Jesuit Jorge Mario Bergoglio,” now known as Pope Francis.

Russian President Vladimir Putin welcomed the congress, which he said was “to counteract the Russophobic campaign” by bringing together participants “united by their sincere love of Russia and its history and culture.”

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Madeleine Hubbard joined Just the News as a fast file reporter after working as an editor at Breitbart News. Hubbard previously served as the special assistant to the Assistant Secretary of Public Affairs at the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services during the first year of the COVID-19 pandemic.
Photo “Archbishop Carlo Maria Viganò” by Roman Catholic Archdiocese of Boston. CC BY-ND 2.0.



Reprinted with permission from Just the News.

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